BBW ForWerts courses 2021

Soft Skill Course: "Scientific Writing" (in cooperation with NaWik)
24 - 26 February 2021, Heidelberg
Workshop: "Maghreb agriculture challenged by water shortage and reduced soil fertility: Biochar, a sustainable solution from bio-economy?" (Module I)
24 March 2021, Heidelberg
Workshop: "Maghreb agriculture challenged by water shortage and reduced soil fertility: Biochar, a sustainable solution from bio-economy?" (Module II)
15 - 16 June 2021, Heidelberg
Method Course: "Research Funding in the Bioeconomy and Key Methods for
Proposal Development"
Method Course: "Lignocellulose Biorefinery"
Workshop: 4th Doctoral Colloquium BIOENERGY "Integration of Bioenergy into Bioeconomy"
13 - 14 September 2021, KIT, Karlsruhe
BBW ForWerts Winter school: “Climate change is the problem, but is the circular bioeconomy the solution?”  
23 – 26 November 2021, Annweiler am Trifels

BBW ForWerts courses 2020

Workshop 16: "BIOINTELLIGENCE & BIOECONOMY: Defining the intersect"
16 January 2019, Karlsruhe
Method Course: “Life Cycle Management”
6 - 24 January 2020, Freiburg
Workshop 18: "Science Communication"
30 July - 7 August 2020
Online Congress
Workshop 19: 3rd International Bioeconomy Congress Baden-Württemberg 2020
21 - 22 September 2020, Stuttgart-Hohenheim
Workshop 20: "Raising Societal Awareness: The Role of Bioeconomy Narratives"
5 - 6 November 2020, Heidelberg
Workshop 21: "Valorisation of regional bioeconomical potentials"
1 - 2 December 2020, Heidelberg